The Realization Process

The Realization Process is a series of embodiment practices that helps feel more whole and thrive as leaders. Developed by psychotherapist and nondual teacher Judith Blackstone, it helps us feel more present in the whole internal space of our bodies. It allows us to come into deeper contact with ourselves, with others and our environment. These practices help us

  • Feel grounded, rooted to the earth, so we are not easily unsettled

  • Feel more present in our bodies so we are not just living in our heads

  • Tolerate more pleasure and pain without fear of being overwhelmed or shattered

  • Have greater access to the qualities of being human, so we can feel the richness of our own being

  • Cultivate presence so that we can inspire and express with inherent authority

  • Listen deeply so that others feel seen, understood and acknowledged

I learnt to teach the Realization Process through several years of training with Judith Blackstone, creator of RP and with Roma Hammel, senior RP teacher.

Kishore's depth of personal experience in all he teaches gives him a true Master’s insight. I have always found him to be finely attuned to my process and precisely intuitive to what might be helpful in my growth.”

Travis, Teacher & Business Owner,